Société Philharmonique de Steenvoorde

Philharmonic Society of Steenvoorde

Presentation image: costume photo

Philharmonic Society of Steenvoorde.

Presentation: military costume photo

The orchestra has about 70 musicians. It offers a traditional musical repertory ranging from classical to variety, through the original repertory for concert band, contemporary music or film music ...

Presentation: Bavarian costume photo

Members of the Philharmonic Society of Steenvoorde


Thierry Casier, Christine Declerck-Dequidt, Catherine Souza, Anne Lejeune, Julie Vincent, Camille Bocquet, Manon Roisine, François Dehaudt, Dominique Gomez, Erwan Pawlowicz


Véronique Gomez, Anne St Michel


Louis Dehaudt

E-flat Clarinet

Laurence Dehaudt-Gambier

Small alto clarinet

Samuel Plancke


Gaétane Teite-Verrièle, Antoine Debacker, Daniel Francke, Béatrice Francke-Potier, Benoît Maluha, Mathilde Thirionet, Manon Plancke, Marie Adélaide Malvoisin, Pascale Malvoisin, Elise Francois, Michel Détée, Jules Paris, Lois Decroix, Elise Pruvost, Delphine Malterre

Bass clarinet

Amelie Duhamel

Saxophones altos

Christophe Callewaert, Lisiane Hespel-Martin, Frédérique Debacker-Casier, Emma Bécuwe, Antonio Mareco, Camille Bauw, Antoine Souza, Valérie Deraeve, Adam François, Robin D'Haudt

Tenor Saxophones

Gilles Desmidt, Cécile Nierenberger, Daphné Mareco

Baritone Saxophones

Fabrice D'Haudt, Nathan Bocquet

French Horn

Jean-Pierre Cornil, Antonn Descamps, Albert Descamps, Nausikaä Geeraert


Stéphane Callewaert, Jean-François Dumon, Michel D'Haudt, Jérémie Pruvost, Eric Malvoisin, Titouan Roisine, Michael Folcken


Mickael Leurs, Christophe Capoen, Rémi Vandaele, Baptiste Malvoisin

Bass trombone

David Wallyn

Euphoniums, Basses

Fabrice GambierFlavie Salomez, Yoann Deblonde, Audrey Pruvost-Cornet, Vincent Perpete


Delphin Kerckhove, Thierry Berkein

String basses

Pierre Jacquemont, Bruno Declerck


Frédéric Verbaere, Grégory Vrombout, Noé Salomez, Louis Dehaudt, Nathan Pruvost, Ninon Pruvost, Daniel Morel, Pascaline Salomez, Mathis Decroix, Baptiste Lavergne


Arnaud Salomez


Nicolas Decroix

Names in italics: Commission members

Underlined names : musicians who by their remoteness, their work or their studies can not participate permanently in the activities of the philharmony.

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